Monday, February 1, 2010

Radio Interview - October 20, 2009

On October 12, 2009, I gave a radio interview discussing World War II naval history in the Pacific and my two books on WVOX, 1460 AM broadcasting from Pelham, New York. You can hear that interview by linking to a web page and start the audio playback. That web page is here.


Unknown said...

My father, George Leon Wheless was a Navy medic attached to the marines and was on Guam and then Gudacanal. I would love to hear from someone who may have known him. He was an excelent shot and had several rifle metals. Unfortunately they are lost.
He passed away in late'07 at 89 with brain cancer.
He had awonderful life.
He believed that every day was a good day.

Ken Friedman said...

Thank you for sharing your father's WW-II experiences.

Ken Friedman